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What to do, to eat and to see in Vienna ...
Vienna,which is considered
one of the more musical european capitals
because has been the birthplace of the
renownest composers,holds nowadays famous
lyrical and orchestral music seasons.Among
the many musical events the most remarkable
one is with no doubt the new year’s
concert,which is set in Musikverain. Wiener
Philarmoniker staff which is conducted
every year by the best “batons”
of the world,is able to charme not only
present audience which must book the tickets
one year before the event,but also the
viewers which watch the show at home.
Despite Vienna is now
considered as a big metropolis,the tourist
can find some gardens also in the city
center.The biggest park is the Stadtpark
which offers to its visitors many english
gardens and a small lake. Nearby the imposing
Hoffburg there are Buggarten and Volksgarten,which
is the oldest park of the city. Don’t
miss the chance to visit the gardens of
Belvedere castle,the Baroque summer residence
of Eugenio Savoia that is just outside
the ring.
Principal city of the
holy roman empire,Vienna has been the
theater of Habsburg event for almost 4
centuries;this dynasty has left in the
city beautiful witnesses which symbolize
their past power and splendor. You can
admire in the center of the city the marvellous
Hofburg ,permanent seat of emperors which
has been extended many times during the
centuries. In the south part of the city
, there is the Schonbrunn castle,which
is a stately summer residence of Habsburg,
builded at the beginning of the eighteenth
century. Hovewer only few rooms of the
Hoffburg and its “great gallery”are
open to the visitors,instead outside there
are the Gloriette from where you have
a fine overview of the city,the maze,the
royal greenhouses and the oldest zoo of
Europa.If you want to visit the symbols
of imperial power-Hofburg and Schonbrunn-you
can profit of the “Goldpass”,which
is a coupon that alllows both the admission
in Schonbrun and Hofburg with price reduction
on tickets.